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How Essential Oils Enhances and Strengthens your Mind & Body

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are plant extracts made from steaming or pressing several parts of a plant (flowers, leaves, fruit, or bark), drawing the compounds that produce a refreshing and natural fragrance. All essential oil consists of their own individualized natural makeup, so each essential oil contains unique aromas and health benefits.

How does it work?

When you inhale essential oils, the nerves within your mouth and nose stimulate brain responses. The molecules that make up the essential oils start from your nose or mouth, enter your lungs, and pass through other parts of your body. As the molecules reach your brain, they trigger your limbic system as well as your respiratory system.

Now I know what the respiratory system is (the breathing system!), but what’s the limbic system….

The limbic system is connected to your emotions, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, and stress. The use of essential oils can help regulate these factors, and the process of inhaling the essential oils can have hugely positive effects on your physiological and psychological well-being.

Additionally, essential oils largely target the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and once stimulated, releases hormones into your the body. For example, in our Mask Blasts™ Calm Me Down blend, we provide herbal and lavender essential oils, which can decrease your stress and anxiety levels through muscle relaxation, allowing you to relax and Calm Yourself Down. Check out the benefits of each of our products.

Calm Me Down™ blend also includes plant-based remedy.

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